Monday, August 22, 2005

Crazy Horse Wins!

Down on Vermillion Bay, Crazy Horse won the battle on the bay.

There's a growing swell of support for debanning Yoda from NOYC's forum.

Register now for the Pamela Sintes Regatta - August 27th.

If you eat over at College Inn tonight and mention the Leukemia Society, the restaurant will donate 20% of your bill towards looking for a cure.

The Jackpot Social Aid and Pleasure Club mourned the loss of a Gulf Coast musical legend at a benefit on the north shore. They asked that everyone help support Rusty McHugh's wife with some daunting medical bills and listen to some really good music at the same time by buying one of his cd's.

Word has really gotten out about GulfSails... already Long Beach and Ft. Walton Yacht Clubs have linked up to us! Thanks.

Has Southern Yacht Club declared war on the United States? Here's a post by some yeah bra doofus Tulane student who thinks so... don't bother reading the whole thing, just the last paragraph.

Fuzzy Lojic, a New Orleans J/130, has a website. Check out Stanton as he noodles around on his blog.

Still lamenting the loss of Java... well their website's still up... except now it's nothing but pictures of that Swift Trawler, 2nd Cup.

PCYC is somehow affiliated with the Christian Dating Directory??

For some small sailing - check out Pontchartrain YC's radio controlled sailing fleet - which meets this evening between 5 and 7pm. They actually have a pretty large fleet. Too bad the police jury or whatever the heck you call them on the northshore won't let you drink beer on the hard while steering those things. Unless, of course, they're really really small.


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