Thursday, August 10, 2006

Blogging at the Breach

or one of them at least...

The weekend before the anniversary of New Orleans' levee breaches, there will be a conference put together by several top notch NOLA bloggers. The plan is "to dispel myths, promote facts, share personal testimonies, highlight progress and regress, discuss recovery ideas, and promote sound policies at all levels. We aim to be a 'real life' demonstration of internet activism as the nation prepares to mark the one year anniversary of a massive natural disaster followed by governmental failures on a similar scale." MORE INFO ON RISING TIDE.

Really I think it's only a reason for all of us to get together and booze.

Actually, I think that's all this entire city is going to be doing. We're apparantly all going insane down here.

Even a Times-Picayune photographer tried to committ suicide by cop the other day.

Don't believe me... read on.

From the Times-Pic:
Stress is keeping law enforcement officers in New Orleans and neighboring Jefferson Parish busy these days, as they answer many more calls than before the storm for domestic abuse, drunkenness and fights. Involuntary commitments to mental hospitals are up from last year, and suicides in Orleans Parish have tripled since Katrina.

And from James Gill:

Those citizens who did return are disproportionately bananas, but they don't even know it. The journal article quotes a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey that revealed 26 percent of returning evacuees thought at least one of their family members needed "mental health counseling."

Analysts concluded that half the respondents themselves had "a possible need for mental health assistance," and 33 percent a 'probable need.'
And here's the link for the American Medical Associations article on how we're all going crazy...

or you can just go back through my archives and read everything I've written since the storm made landfall and see for yourself how I for one definately need some counseling.




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